Cheery Chaps at USNA: Copyright © by Phyllis Wheeler |
Normally when people I don't know ask me to take their picture, I agree, take the picture with their phone or camera, and never see them again. But because I'm following the
CDC's guidelines for protecting myself from the coronavirus (COVID-19), I am not currently able to handle other's phones or cameras. These easygoing fellows kindly agreed to let me photograph them with my camera and share their photos on my blog (and they have my permission as the photographer to use the photos, print them, share them etc.). They were very good natured about my hesitation and I thank them for their excellent attitudes.
Cheery Chaps and Cherry Blossoms: Copyright © by Phyllis Wheeler |
These pictures were taken in front of the big weeping cherry trees near the Visitor's Center at the
U.S. National Arboretum today.
Weeping Cherry Trees: Copyright © by Phyllis Wheeler |
The trees were just in the bud stage last week so it was a pleasant surprise to see them blooming this much already today.
Weeping Cherry Trees II: Copyright © by Phyllis Wheeler |
I just love these trees. Seeing them bloom is always one of the highlights of my year.
Weeping Cherry Trees III: Copyright © by Phyllis Wheeler |
Thank you for visiting! Thank you to the three young men for allowing me to take their photos! May God bless them and may He bless you too!
Related posts:
DC tidal basin cherry blossoms: https://lovejoyandpeas.blogspot.com/2014/04/cherry-blossoms-washington-dc-monuments.html
DC monuments & cherry blossoms: https://lovejoyandpeas.blogspot.com/2013/04/cherry-blossoms-and-national-monuments.html
2012 monuments and blossoms: https://lovejoyandpeas.blogspot.com/2012/03/washington-dc-cherry-blossoms-and.html