Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Heat Beating Flower Photos: This Week in My Maryland Garden

This morning's walk around my Maryland yard garden showed which flowers can really handle the heat. We've had another heat wave here with triple digit temperatures so I was happy to see so many flowers blooming. Here are my best five floral photos of the day. As you may remember from last week, we have a lovely orange echinacea (coneflower) plant and the bees have found it.

The zinnia plants I started from seed in April are doing great and providing us with lots of "purple" and red flowers. Oddly enough the ones started in March have yet to bloom.

White echinacea (coneflower) with funky petals. Bees and butterflies seem to love echinacea plants of all colors.

 White rose of Sharon with a fiery center. Hummingbirds and bees love these plants.

Drought tolerant day lily. We have a lot of day lilies blooming but I think this is the only variety that hasn't made the blog yet. The day lilies seem to love our Maryland soil.

Hope you enjoyed this week's photographic garden flower tour! I'm thinking of either changing "This Week in My Maryland Garden" to "Floral Fridays" or adding "Floral Fridays" as a separate, new feature (focusing on flowers wherever I happen to be on any given Friday. Which would you prefer to see? May God bless you this summer and always!

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