Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Cute Baby Bear Videos for Wild Wednesday

Happy wild Wednesday! I had the great blessing of seeing these adorable Andean bear cubs (also called "bespectacled bears") in their habitat at the Smithsonian's National Zoo this weekend. This is the third set of cubs I've enjoyed watching but the most exciting because they're the youngest and smallest that I've seen yet. I have three videos to share today. I put the top one first because it had the nicest thumbnail but my favorite is the second one where the little bear climbs up and down a tree. The third one is worth watching because I zoomed out so you could see how high up the little guys climbed. Their cuteness warmed my heart and I hope they make you smile.

These cute little animals are still fuzzy. They're a little wobbly but already great climbers.

The rumor is that the baby bears, health and weather permitting, will be out most mornings from ten to eleven am and longer as they grow stronger and more resilient (and possibly longer on warmer days too). Apparently these two brother bears love to climb so if you visit I hope you get to see them climb in person.

Thank you for visiting! May God bless these little bears and may He bless you too!

Related posts:
Baby bears playing:
Andean bear birthday:
Dancing bear cubs:

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