Washington Monument Cherry Blossoms: Copyright © by Phyllis Wheeler, April 2013 |
Today my fabulous friend Pam took me to see the beautiful cherry blossoms at the Washington D.C. Tidal Basin. It looked like the blooms were at peak or near peak (the peak bloom period was originally projected for March but the date has been moved back at least twice since then due to our unusually cool weather). The
Washington Monument (above) has scaffolding all round the bottom of it but it's hidden by the blooming cherry trees.
Cherry blossom season is my absolute favorite time of the year in the
Washington DC and Baltimore metropolitan area. Being able to view the
Tidal Basin blooms near peak on a beautiful blue sky day with a dear friend is a special
MLK Jr Memorial Cherry Blossoms: Copyright © by Phyllis Wheeler, April 2013 |
Here's the
Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial surrounded by pink cherry blossoms.
Vibrant Pink Cherry Blossoms: Copyright © by Phyllis Wheeler, April 2013 |
Here's a close up of a pinker than average cherry blossom.
Friendship Statue Cherry Blossoms: Copyright © by Phyllis Wheeler, April 2013 |
Here's a statue that may symbolize the friendship between Japan and America, surrounded by cherry blossoms.
Jefferson Memorial Cherry Blossoms: Copyright © by Phyllis Wheeler, April 2013 |
Here's the
Jefferson Memorial surrounded by cherry blossoms.
Here are some of my
previous cherry blossom related posts.
I hope you enjoyed my cherry blossom photos! May God bless you and be with you!
What is your favorite time of the year? What is your favorite flower? What is special or do you particularly enjoy about where you live?
Related posts full link: http://lovejoyandpeas.blogspot.com/search?q=cherry