Saturday, April 28, 2012

Unplugged Sundays

Inspired by Minimalist Mom's the Big Unplug and a desire to devote Sundays to worship and rest, I'm doing an unplugged experiment of my own. Starting tomorrow and for the month of May I'm committing to unplugged Sundays. For me this means (as you can figure out from the above paint image I created for this post) no internet, email, Facebook, text, cell phone or news.

Internet (including missing the interaction with my fabulous Facebook friends) will likely be the biggest challenge. I don't think I've had a while day without getting online for something in years. Even when our home internet has been down or I've been in the hospital I found a way to get my online fix. 

Disconnecting from text, cell phone and news is less of an issue as I almost never text or watch the news anyway and the last time I checked my monthly cell phone usage for talk time the total was 12 minutes (yes, for the entire month). It's email, Facebook and even blogging (those I follow in addition to those I write) that will be the challenge. I'm claiming Philippians 4:13 as I believe this is God's will for me at this time and will strengthen my walk with Him. If all goes well I may do a whole week of technology fasting / unplugged living this summer.

Have you ever done a technology fast? How did it go? Please comment below as I'd love to hear about it! Of course, I won't be logging on tomorrow but I'll gladly check for your responses on Monday.

May God bless you!


  1. Thank you for checking my blog and for your encouraging words Judi :) Funny I didn't say no computer on purpose in case we went somewhere fun and took photos so I could look at the photos when we got home :)

    Hope all is well with you and your family (people and animals :))!

  2. That is awesome Phyllis.... good luck!
