Thursday, September 26, 2013

"Jesus Calling" Through the Stomach Flu

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28

This week I've been battling the stomach flu, the worst migraine headache of my life, asthma problems and more health challenges. During the times I could read, the Holy Bible and Jesus Calling by Sarah Young have been a great comfort. When I was unable to anything but huddle in the dark, memorized scripture verses, prayer and communing with God helped enormously. No matter what happens on earth I believe I will spend eternity with the one true living God. Praise the Lord!

I checked out Jesus Calling from my local library and have been aiming to read enough entries per day so I can finish it before it's due back (we have a very generous renewal policy, as long as no one else has a hold on the book). This morning I read the entry for July 31st and it really spoke to me. Even when I had the flu, could hardly breathe and was all alone at home, I found it really comforting to remember that Jesus is "both in you and within you ... [and] with you at all times, encouraging and supportive."

For me personally, illness is a sign from God (or maybe Jesus calling to say) that I need to slow down, focus on Him and really trust in His provision. I'd rather be healthy! But God will work everything for my good (Romans 8:28), not in my temporal, human perspective, but in His all knowing, eternal perspective. As Sarah Young interprets Jesus' words, "My Peace is your continual experience. Slow down your pace of living for a time. Quiet your mind in My Presence. Then you will be able to hear Me bestowing the resurrection blessing: Peace be with you."

In my darkest hour, Jesus is my comfort. I'm very thankful to be on the healing side of the flu and able to share these thoughts with you... but regardless, I want my life to glorify Jesus. I fail miserably and regularly, yet He loves me as I am, is with me wherever I go and He loves you just as much as He loves me. Do you know Him as your Savior? If you're not sure I encourage you to visit this nondenominational site that has volunteers available 24/7 to help you ensure your eternal home. May God bless you and keep you!

Jesus Calling by Sarah Young

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