Saturday, March 31, 2018

Kindness Challenge Wrap Up ~ Days 23-31

March passed so quickly I can hardly believe it. I completed 31 days of the 30 day kindness challenge and, for the vast majority of the time, enjoyed the process. The saying kind things to my husband and doing kind things for my husband were the easy parts. The challenging part was not saying anything negative to him (or about him, but that was easier than the to him part).

Yes, every now and then I still want to complain to my husband, but he's so much happier with me not complaining at all that I think I'll keep it going. I can't claim to be complaint free but I've narrowed my complaining audience to the Lord and a few close friends (though this has made me more aware of complaining and I 'm making efforts at complaining less with them too).

There's a difference between stating facts and complaining. I do have to sometimes state negative facts. But I try to do so compassionately. It takes effort but I think it's worth it.

I learned some surprising things about kindness (and unkindness) from Shaunti Feldhahn's The Kindness Challenge book and highly recommend both it and her challenge.

Thank you for visiting! May God bless you and all you do!

Related posts:
Kindness challenge intro:
Kindness challenge week 1:
Kindness challenge week 2:
Kindness challenge week 3:

Note / Disclaimer: This is not a sponsored or affiliate post. I was not asked or paid to write it or do the challenge. It was my own personal choice. All opinions are my own. 

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