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Bluebird of happiness image by AcrylicArtist |
This morning I realized I'd been purposefully setting a "daily intention" each morning for over a year. Today, my focus is a farewell for a dear friend who's moving away, so my intention is "friendship."
I think I started this habit to set a good example for a small group I coach. When I first started I picked any word that came to mind and didn't have any rules. As time went on I realized that sometimes I'd have the same word for days on end so I decided to repeat intentions no more than once a week (not a hard and fast rule, but a general guideline to keep myself open minded each day).
This only takes me a few seconds a day and I usually do it after my morning prayer and Bible study. I think the time is well spent because it helps me stay more focused and positive.
I edited a few entries (taking out, for example, the name of the guy who crashed into our bushes last January) but most are exactly as I set them. I'm sharing in hopes that it will help or inspire you in some way so if it does, please let me know.
10.29.15 Friendship
10.28.15 Project Management
10.27.15 Discernment
10.26.15 Relative rest
10.25.15 Worship God
10.24.15 Love
10.23.15 Rest and recovery
10.22.15 Gratitude
10.21.15 Kindness
10.20.15 Friendship
10.19.15 Hydration
10.18.15 Worship God
10.17.15 Love
10.16.15 Kindness
10.15.15 Rest and recovery
10.14.15 Relative rest
10.13.15 Mindful productivity
10.12.15 Patience
10.11.15 Worship God
10.10.15 Love
10.9.15 Hydration
10.8.15 Adaptability
10.7.16 Mindful Productivity
10.6.15 Friendship
10.5.15 Loving kindness
10.4.15 Worship God
10.3.15 Health
10.2.15 Rest and recovery
10.1.15 Compassion
9.30.15 Mindfulness
9.29.15 Rest and recovery
9.28.15 Kindness
9.27.15 Worship God
9.26.15 Love
9.25.15 Creativity
9.24.15 Mindfulness
9.23.15 Joy
9.22.15 Rest and recovery
9.21.15 Loving kindness
9.20.15 Worship God
9.19.15 Love
9.18.15 Rest and recovery
9.17.15 Friendliness
9.16.15 Rest and recovery
9.15.15 Compassion
9.14.15 Patience
9.13.15 Worship God
9.12.15 Love
9.11.15 Gratitude
9.10.15 Mindful productivity
9.9.15 Compassion
9.8.15 Mindfulness
9.7.15 Relaxation (it's Labor Day!)
9.6.15 Worship God
9.5.15 Love
9.4.15 Peacefulness
9.3.15 Compassion
9.2.15 Loving kindness
9.1.15 Mindfulness
8.31.15 Kindness
8.30.15 Worship God
8.29.15 Love
8.28.15 Compassion
8.27.15 Mindfulness
8.26.15 Alignment
8.25.15 Rest & recovery
8.24.15 Understanding
8.23.15 Worship God
8.22.15 Love
8.21.15 Love
8.20.15 Gratitude
8.19.15 Rest & recovery
8.19.15 Rest & recovery
8.18.15 Kindness
8.17.15 Respect
8.16.15 Worship God
8.15.15 Love
8.14.15 Patience
8.13.15 Healing
8.12.15 Compassion
8.11.15 Kindness
8.10.15 Mindful productivity
8.9.15 Worship God
8.8.15 Love
8.7.15 Respect
8.6.15 Compassion
8.5.15 Mindful productivity
8.4.15 Kindness
8.3.15 Awareness
8.2.15 Worship God
8.1.15 Loving kindness
7.31.15 Courage
7.30.15 Goodness
7.29.15 Mindfulness
7.28.15 Joy
7.27.15 Kindness
7.26.15 Worship God
7.25.15 Obedience
7.24.15 Perceptiveness
7.23.15 Mindfulness
7.22.15 Kindness
7.21.15 Peace
7.20.15 Mindful productivity
7.19.15 Worship God
7.18.15 Love
7.17.15 Calmness
7.16.15 Mindfulness
7.15.15 Loving kindness
7.14.15 Godliness
7.13.15 Healing
7.12.15 Worship God
7.11.15 Love
7.10.15 Alignment
7.9.15 Healing
7.8.15 Relative rest
7.7.15 Wellness
7.6.15 Compassion
7.5.15 Worship God
7.4.15 Patriotism
7.3.15 Loving kindness
7.2.15 Kindness
7.1.15 Alignment
6.30.15 Mindful productivity
6.29.15 Healing
6.28.15 Worship God
6.27.15 Love
6.26.15 Loving kindness
6/25/15 Kindness
6.24.15 Wellness
6.23.15 Healing
6.22.15 Mindful productivity
6.21.15 Worship God
6.20.15 Love
6.19.15 Alignment
6.18.15 Healing
6.17.16 Wellness
6.16.15 Mindful productivity
6.15.15 Kindness
6.14.15 Worship God
6.13.15 Love
6.12.15 Kindness
6.11.15 Peace
6.10.15 Wellness
6.9.15 Wellness
6.8.15 Healing
6.8.15 Healing
6.7.15 Worship God
6.6.15 Loving kindness
6.5.15 Healing
6.4.15 Compassion
6.3.15 Healing
6.2.15 Alert kindness
6.1.15 Healthy choices
5.31.15 Worship God
5.30.15 Love
5.29.15 Healing
5.28.15 Healing
5.27.15 Healing
5.26.15 Wellness
5.25.15 Healing
5.24.15 Love
5.23.15 Worship God
5.22.15 Love
5.21.15 Kindness
5.20.15 Healing
5.19.15 Intentionality
5.19.15 Home blessing
5.18.15 Healing
5.17.15 Worship God
5.16.15 Love
5.15.15 Prioritizing
5.14.15 Gentleness
5.13.15 Kindness
5/12/15 Healing
5.11.15 Trusting God
5.10.15 Worship God
5.9.15 Love
5.8.15 Kindness and Wellness
5.7.15 Healing and joy
5.6.15 Healing
5.5.15 Healing and alignment
5.4.15 Healing and mindfulness
5.3.15 Worship God and rest
5.2.15 Loving kindness
5.1.15 Peace
4.30.15 Healing
4.29.15 Healing and compassion
4.28.15 Rest and recovery
4.27.15 Healing and fellowship
4/26/15 Worship God and rest
4.25.15 Healing and kindness
4.24.15 Healing
4.23.15 Survival
4.22.15 Healing and openness
4.21.15 Healing and mindfulness
4.20.15 Healing & mindful productivity
4.19.15 Worship God
4.18.15 Healing and love
4.17.15 Healing
4.16.15 Healing and mindfulness
4.15.15 Healing
4.14.15 Healing
4.13.15 Healing and kindness
4.12.15 Worship God
4.11.15 Healing and love
4.10.15 Healing & loving kindness
4.9.15 Healing
4.8.15 Healing & compassion
4.7.15 Healing
4.6.15 Wellness
4.5.15 Celebrate Easter!
4.4.15 Healing & kindness
4.3.15 Healing
4.2.15 Healing & love
4.1.15 Healing & kindness
3.31.15 Healing
3/30/15 Healing & mindfulness
3.29.15 Worship God
3.28.15 Love
3.27.15 Healing & loving kindness
3.26.15 Healing and mindfulness
3.25.15 Healing & compassion
3.24.15 Healing
3.23.15 Healing & mindful productivity
3.22.15 Worship God
3.21.15 Healing & love
3.20.15 Healing & rest
3.19.15 Healing & mindfulness
3.18.15 Healing & mindfulness
3.17.15 Healing & hydration
3.16.15 Healing & kindness
3.15.15 Worship God & rest
3.14.15 Healing & relaxation
3.13.15 Healing & compassion
3.12.15 Healing
3.11.15 Healing & mindful productivity
3.10.15 Healing & mindfulness
3.9.15 Healing & mindfulness
3.8.15 Worship God & rest
3.7.15 Healing & loving kindness
3.6.15 Healing & compassion
3.5.15 Healing & love
3.4.15 Healing & courage
3.3.15 Healing & peacefulness
3.2.15 Healing & mindfulness
3.1.15 Worship God & rest
2.28.15 Healing & loving kindness
2.27.15 Healing
2.26.15 Healing & Va claim
2.25.15 Healing & kindness
2.24.15 Healing & mindfulness
2.23.15 Healing
2.22.15 Worship God & rest
2.21.15 Healing & love
2.20.15 Healing & mindful movement
2.19.15 Healing & kindness
2.18.15 Healing & calmness
2.17.15 Healing & kindness
2.16.15 Healing & mindful movement
2.15.15 Worship God & rest
2.14.15 Healing & love
2.13.15 Healing & kindness
2.12.15 Healing
2.11.15 Healing & mindfulness
2.10.15 Healing & compassion
2.9.15 Healing & love
2.8.15 Worship God & rest
2.7.15 Healing & compassion
2.6.15 Healing
2.5.15 Healing
2.4.15 Healing
2.3.15 Healing
2.2.15 Healing & rest
2.1.15 Worship God & rest
1.31.15 Healing & rest
1.30.15 Healing
1.29.15 Healing
1.28.15 Healing
1.27.15 Healing
1.26.15 Rest & recovery
1.25.15 Worship God & rest
1.24.15 Healing
1.23.15 Healing
1.22.15 Wellness
1.21.15 Healing
1.20.15 Wellness
1.19.15 Healing
1.18.15 Worship God & rest
1.17.15 Healing and relaxation
1.16.15 Healing
1.15.15 Healing
1.14.15 Home blessing
1.13.15 Celebrate!
1.12.15 Healing
1.11.15 Worship God & rest
1.10.15 Loving kindness
1.9.15 Mindful productivity
1.8.15 Mindfulness
1.7.15 Christian love
1.6.15 Crisis management
1.5.15 Mindful productivity
1.4.15 Worship God & rest
1.3.15 Kindness & mindful productivity
1.2.15 Loving kindness
1.1.15 Joy
12.31.14 Healing
12.30.14 Gratitude
12.29.14 Wellness
12.28.14 Worship God & rest
12.27.14 Loving Kindness
12.26.14 Gratitude
12.25.14 Love
12.24.14 Joy
12.23.14 Hydration
12.22.14 Healing
12.21.14 Worship God & rest
12.20.14 Loving kindness
12.15-19.14 Healing
12.14.14 Worship God & rest
12.9-13.14 Healing
12.8.14 Mindful productivity
12.7.14 Worship God & rest
12.6.14 Rest & recovery
12.5.14 Healing
12.4.14 Healing
12.3.14 Healing
12.2.14 Mindfulness
12.1.14 Mindful productivity
11.30.14 Worship God
11.29.14 Friendship
11.28.14 Wisdom
11.27.14 Thanksgiving
11.26.14 Kindness
11.25.14 Healing
11.24.14 Love
11.23.14 Worship God
11.22.14 Loving kindness
11.21.14 Kindness
11.20.14 Healing
11.19.14 Loving Kindness
11.18.14 Rest & recovery
11.17.14 Healing
11.16.14 Worship God
11.15.14 Gentleness
11.14.14 Healing
11.13.14 Rest & recovery
11.12.14 Healing
11.11.14 Love
11.10.14 Rest & Recovery
11.9.14 Worship God
11.8.14 Loving Kindness
11.7.14 Rest & Recovery
11.6.14 Healing
11.6.14 Rest & Recovery
11.5.14 Healing
11.4.14 Mindful productivity
11.3.14 Mindful home blessing
11.2.14 Worship God & Rest
11.1.14 Gratitude
10.31.14 Nurturing relationships
10.30.14 Healing
10.29.14 Rest & Rejuvenation
10.28.14 Wellness
10.27.14 Mindful productivity
10.26.14 Worship God
10.25.14 Loving kindness
May God bless and keep you!
Related posts:
Simplifying home journey: http://lovejoyandpeas.blogspot.com/2014/07/my-simplifying-home-8-week-journey-week.html
Sugar free September: http://lovejoyandpeas.blogspot.com/2015/09/sugar-free-september-day-1.html
New Year blessings: http://lovejoyandpeas.blogspot.com/2014/01/happy-new-year-blessings-butterflies.html