Mary's hosta garden |
Mary, my kind and talented neighbor, has an amazing garden retreat in her Maryland back yard that she graciously allowed me to tour and photograph today. She has a story behind each plant and an amazing green thumb. She's got a stunning variety of plants in her suburban garden and the many paths she's managed to fit make it seem as though she has four times her lot size.
Cascading creeping jenny |
I loved this blooming creeping jenny raised up on a pedestal and surrounded by spider wort, hosta, a white blooming rhododentron and many other plants in another corner of Mary's garden. I'd never seen a creeping jenny bloom before today.
Rose propagated from a rootless boutonniere |
Mary grew this giant climbing rose bush from her son's senior prom boutonniere! She has a real gift for plant propagation and I'm going to try to follow in her footsteps with some rose propagation this fall.
Bee on vibrant red rose |
Here's a close up of some of the senior prom boutonniere rose blooms. They're so healthy the bees flock to them. Mary has quite a few climbing roses growing up arbors and trellises and even cascading over a wall on her back patio.
Mary's unique iris |
This iris has a unique shape and I love the coloring. Mary has a wide variety of irises in her garden, including yellow water irises, bluish purple irises and more.
Post-bloom clematis |
This clematis had white blooms that had already passed before our tour but I thought these neat spirals were just as pretty as the flowers. Mary also has some beautiful purple clematis flowers in her garden. I had a great time touring Mary's garden with her today.
Thank you, Mary for the wonderful tour and tips!
May God bless Mary and may He bless you, too!