Thursday, May 24, 2012

A New Way To Think About Productivity

Coneflower photo: Robert Louis Stevenson quote
Photograph by Phyllis Wheeler
I love this quote. It's a great reminder to step back from our busy lives and think about what actions we can take today that will make our lives and/or the world a better place tomorrow and in the years to come. It's also a great reminder to take time each day to focus on the big picture instead of the little details of daily living. Don't get me wrong; I enjoy crossing off items on my to do list as much as the next person. But I also make sure that every day there are things on my list that will have a positive influence on my most important values and long term goals (so daily I'm planting seeds that will hopefully bring a rich harvest in terms of my long term goals).

Even more important are the seeds we plant with our attitudes and interactions. Seeds like sharing a smile, helping others, learning to be more patient, volunteering and giving to charity can make the world a better place and while we may not personally see their harvests we can feel good about each little seed we plant.  

So my photograph with the quote by Robert Louis Stevenson ("Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant.") is my little seed gift to you today. I truly hope it encourages or inspires you. May God bless you, dear reader!

Discussion (I'd love to hear from you!): What kind of actions are you taking today to make the world a better place tomorrow?

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