Friday, January 13, 2012

Top 10 Lessons From Judi Rossi's Lecture "Three Essentials of a Successful Military Wife"

Earlier this week at the Fort Meade Protestant Women of the Chapel (PWOC) kickoff event I enjoyed a lecture by author Judy Rossi. She spoke on the Three Esssentials of a Successful Military Wife. She gave a great lecture, shared her wisdom and made us both laugh and think. Below are my top ten lessons/reminders from the lecture. I hadn't planned on this post so didn't differentiate between her actual quotes and my paraphrases when I took my notes. Hopefully I got the spirit of her lecture right and these notes will be a blessing to you.

1. Revere the Lord and lean on Him at all times.

2. Our husbands should be our #1 ministry.

3. Submitting to Jesus will help in submitting to your husband. Submitting doesn't mean that you're lesser than but that you are recognizing his God given position as head of the household.

4. Learn to be concise in making requests or explanations to your husband.

5. See your husband as a gift from God and his strengths as God given gifts.

6. Disrespect wounds a man deeply. Show him respect at all times.

7. Do only good to your husband, every day and at all times.

8. You can help complete your husband by meeting his needs.

9. Heed your husband's counsel. If you ask for his advice, follow it.

10. Appreciate the differences between male and female (you and your husband) instead of letting them frustrate you.

Once again, I'm reminded that having a right relationship with God leads to right relationships with people, including our husbands. May you grow closer to God today and may God bless you and your relationships!


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