"After" dresser top corner: Copyright © Phyllis Wheeler, 2016 |
Happiest New Year wishes to you! May God bless you and all you set your mind, heart and hands to do this year!
I've decided to make this the year of clearing the clutter for good. Not just clutter busting the excess in our home but actually changing acquisition habits so that I only bring in things that we need or love. Because of ongoing health challenges, the physical removal of clutter may be slow going but as long as I'm making regular progress, I'll count it a success.
My super kind hearted
Facebook friends suggested that I journal this process and share tips and this article is in their honor. Thank you for your support, encouragement and prayers!
"Before" long dresser top: Copyright © Phyllis Wheeler, 2016 |
I started on this dresser yesterday but didn't take a photo until today. It looks cluttered in the "before" photo above but yesterday it was even worse. Yesterday I just took things that belonged elsewhere and put them where they belonged. Today I cleared everything off the top of the dresser (using long shallow plastic baskets I have on hand) and moved them to the living room for sorting. I determined to only keep that which I need or love so a lot went into charity bags.
Baby cat explores cleared dresser: Copyright © Phyllis Wheeler, 2016 |
My little cat,
Baby, immediately jumped on the newly cleared space. She loves to explore and I love her. I will likely do a backdated post, but, sadly,
Moose the cat passed away after Christmas. Moose was about 20 years old and was greatly loved. Now Baby is our sole feline companion. God willing, Baby will be 16 this spring. But back to the clutter busting.
"After" dresser top: Copyright © Phyllis Wheeler, 2016 |
Here's the "after" photo. I like it so much better than the before. While there's still plenty of clutter in the room, the whole place feels lighter and nicer. I will probably reconfigure the top in the future but for now it's my "Clutter Clean in 2016" inspiration point. My goal for this week is to keep it clear and take time to enjoy the newly organized space.
If you have a completed clutter clearing or organizing project with before and after photos and want to be considered as a feature for my "Clutter Clean in 2016" series, please let me know! There are so many of us looking to simplify, streamline and create space for what truly matters. You'll be an inspiration. You can leave a comment below or email me at lovejoypeas@gmail.com. If there's a lot of interest I'll look into creating a Flickr pool for the photos.
Thank you for visiting! May God bless you!
Related posts:
Quick desk clearing: http://lovejoyandpeas.blogspot.com/2013/02/16-minute-desk-decluttering-project.html
Disaster to delight: http://lovejoyandpeas.blogspot.com/2015/07/from-disaster-to-delight-organized.html
8 minute clutter bust: http://lovejoyandpeas.blogspot.com/2013/03/8-minute-microwave-and-cut-flower.html
3 shelves in 9 minutes: http://lovejoyandpeas.blogspot.com/2013/08/how-i-decluttered-3-shelves-in-9.html
My simplifying home journey: http://lovejoyandpeas.blogspot.com/2014/08/my-simplifying-home-journey-week-8-day.html