Blue ribbon small red dahlia Copyright © Phyllis Wheeler, 2014 |
Happy Floral Friday! I found this post in my draft folder (it was supposed to have automatically posted in 2014 but obviously something went wrong) and figured today was as good day to share it. I hope these blue ribbon winning flowers brighten your day!
"I'm blessed by my county fair awarding at least 12 of my flowers blue ribbons this year! The red dahlia above is one of my actual flowers entered in the fair, photographed two days after the judging occurred. In the interest of sharing good photos of pretty flowers the rest of the photos below are representative of what I entered but not the actual blooms entered.
Mixed dahlia bouquet: Copyright © Phyllis Wheeler, 2014 |
If you've been following my blog you know I love
dahlias. The dahlias received the most blue ribbons (they have different categories for different size and color dahlias). I have only been growing them for a few years but I get a lot of joy from their vigorous flower output and variety of blooms.
Bee on tithonia: Copyright © Phyllis Wheeler, 2014 |
tithonia I grew from seed also won a blue ribbon. The bees, butterflies and moths love them.
Mr. Lincoln rose: Copyright © Phyllis Wheeler, 2014 |
This is actually a Mr. Lincoln rose, which I didn't enter as it wasn't opened yet at fair entry time but the pink hybrid tea rose I did enter won a blue ribbon. You can see a similar rose at the bottom of
this post (it's the last photo).
White cosmos flower: Copyright © Phyllis Wheeler, 2014 |
The white
cosmos I entered looked better than this one currently blooming in my garden but this is currently the only bloom on the plant.
What a fun blessing to have my Maryland garden recognized in such a way. If you're local the
fair runs through Sunday and in addition to the flowers there are a lot of neat exhibits (bee keeping displays, chain saw carving, photography, 4H, animals, crafts, herbs, an 88 pound watermelon and more). May God bless
all the fair volunteers and may He bless you too!
What is your favorite part of a county or state fair? Do you have a favorite fair memory to share? I'd love to hear it!"
Related posts:
Flowers, freeloaders and funkiness: http://lovejoyandpeas.blogspot.com/2014/09/flowers-freeloaders-and-funkiness-for.html
Raindrop flowers: http://lovejoyandpeas.blogspot.com/2014/05/raindrop-drenched-rose-cosmos.html
Vibrant spring flowers: http://lovejoyandpeas.blogspot.com/2014/05/dahlias-ranunculus-azaleas-lilacs-and.html
2013 County Fair results: http://lovejoyandpeas.blogspot.com/2013/09/county-fair-photos-haikus-and-results.html